we are Heroes with Passion to Transform Communities to the best

Thematic Areas

Our program’s objectives are clear:

Reduce the number of children engaged in the worst forms of child labour and those below the minimum employment age by improving access to education and vocational training.

Mainstream child labour and child rights standards into national policies and advocate for their effective implementation.

Empower children to participate in raising awareness about children’s rights and the issue of child labour.

Child Labour

At Connect Children Now/DCI Lebanon, we recognize that the fight against child labour must address its underlying causes, notably poverty, while championing the right to education. In 2015, DCI initiated a robust child labour program aimed at preventing and eradicating child labour, particularly its most perilous forms, and bolstering local initiatives to safeguard all working children.


At Connect Children Now/DCI Lebanon, we invest in expanding access to education by offering non-formal education and vocational training programs to out-of-school and marginalized Lebanese and refugee children, with a particular focus on girls and their specific needs. Our educational initiatives provide structured learning opportunities for out-of-school children and youth, boosting their self-esteem and empowering them to contribute positively to their communities. Additionally, these programs serve as a bridge for these children and youth to enhance their academic skills and reintegrate into the formal education system.

Psychosocial Support

Connect Children Now/DCI Lebanon prioritizes the resilience, strengths, and skills of children, creating avenues to nurture these qualities through innovative approaches such as dance and movement therapy. Currently, we implement structured sessions incorporating dance, neurography art and mindfulness exercises based on our” Incredible Me” signature methodology in refugee camps and settlements, community centres and schools in Lebanon. Our interventions are tailored to each child’s developmental stage, culturally sensitive, flexible, safe, and delivered by trained professionals.

Psychosocial support is essential for children to overcome challenging experiences such as exposure to violence, separation from family and friends, deteriorating living conditions, and the loss of childhood opportunities for play and learning. By addressing these issues, we aim to promote the psychosocial well-being and development of every child we serve.

Violence against children

At Connect Children Now/DCI, we are deeply committed to raising awareness and combatting all forms of violence against children. Through national campaigns and awareness initiatives, we collaborate closely with the Higher Council of Childhood and partner with the Lebanese Union for Child Welfare, which comprises 52 local NGOs dedicated to children’s well-being.

Our efforts are multifaceted:

Awareness Campaigns: We leverage national platforms to raise awareness about the prevalence and consequences of violence against children. Through targeted campaigns, we aim to educate the public and mobilize support for child protection initiatives.

Partnerships: Collaboration is key to our success. By partnering with the Higher Council of Childhood and the Lebanese Union for Child Welfare, we pool resources and expertise to strengthen child protection measures and support systems.

Community Engagement: We engage communities at the grassroots level to promote a culture of respect and non-violence towards children. Through workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions, we empower parents, caregivers, and educators to recognize and address signs of abuse and neglect.

Advocacy: We advocate for policy reforms and legislative measures to strengthen legal protections for children and hold perpetrators of violence accountable. By lobbying policymakers and raising public awareness, we strive to create a safer environment for every child in Lebanon.

Together, we stand united in our commitment to ending violence against children and ensuring their right to a safe and nurturing environment. Join us in our mission to protect and empower the next generation.